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2004-11-07 - 4:54 p.m.


According to James Dobson, who is the chairman of an active, uber-Christian group called Focus on the Family, Dubya "has strongly stated that he is pro-life, that he wants to protect life, not only unborn life but the culture of life, to protect the institution of marriage."

WTF does that mean, James, "the culture of life"? Because I'm sorry, but I really don't get how you think Bush has got Life's back. Seriously, dude, bring it on. Here are just a few examples of actions Bush has taken which notably demonstrate a complete and utter disrespect for "the culture of life".

GW Bush:

Set the record for the most executions by any governor in American history, executing 152 total, including some who were mentally disabled, and openly making fun of at least one woman who begged for her life.

Places the life of the unborn fetus above that of the mother by outlawing partial birth abortion even if the woman's life is at stake.

Has yet to attend a single funeral for a US soldier killed in Iraq - over 1,130 of them to date.

Allows the use of cluster bombs and daisy cutters in civilian areas of Iraq.

Lied to Congress, the American public, the UN, and 30 coalition countries in order to gain support for the invasion and occupation of a country posing no viable threat to the US, resulting to date in 100,000 civilian deaths and the deaths of over 1,275 young men and women in service to coalition countries, as well as over 8,000 wounded US military personnel and the deaths of over 800 Iraqi service personnel.

Cut fines against US companies doing business with countries who sponsor terrorism, despite his pledge to fight terrorism "wherever it exists".

Continually cuts the budget for childcare programs, effectively shutting out 300,000 children by the year 2009.

Repealed a rule to help employees obtain paid leave for the birth or adoption of a child.

Has slashed funding to the Violence Against Women Act by 26%, underfunding it every year since he has taken office, and refuses to adjust it for cost of living.

Proposes cutting authorized levels of funding to emergency shelters, crisis hotlines, and other domestic violence services by 26% in 2005.

Cut the pay and benefits of soldiers fighting in Iraq, as well as those at home.

Cut healthcare benefits for war vets.

Ended the Equal Pay Initiative (equal pay for equal work, regardless of race or gender).

Continually cuts services and programs to help low- and moderate-income women (ie. childcare, tax assistance, job training).

Cut over $2 billion from the AIDS Initiative he promised to fully fund.

Cut a $225 million program providing job training to America's youth, despite a 13% rate of unemployment among 16 - 24 year olds. Diverted those funds to the invasion and occupation of Iraq.

Has enabled the loss of health care to 43 million Americans.

So, James, I suppose what you mean when you say Bush wants to protect life, and "the culture of life", what you really mean is that Bush wants to protect human beings until they're born, at which point, they become fair game and had better sink or swim, by God, because once they hit the air, they are 100% on their own.

Except for marriage, of course; that fairytale state in which every man is a prince and every woman a princess, and nothing ever, ever goes wrong or horribly, inutterably awry. Unless two princes want to get married, in which case their union suddenly becomes a fire-breathing dragon, hellbent on the destruction of every living thing on earth, swallowing babies live and regurgitating their bones into the laps of their horrified and grief-stricken parents. I mean, aren't all parents loving, giving human beings? No straight, married man EVER beats his wife or kids. No straight, married woman is ever a poor parent, and straight, married people never abuse their children in any way.

Apparently, Life needs a champion like George W. Bush. I only shudder to think what might happen if he were against it.

Sources for this article included:
Slip-Sliding Away, a report by the National Women's Law Center (pdf)
National Council for Research on Women
Public Health News Center of John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

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