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2003-02-18 - 2:00 a.m.

"It's not the way American is all about."
"Desert Storm. We sold a lot of tickets"
"If this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier, just so long as I'm dictator."

To the LA Times: "One of the common denominators I have found is that expectations rise above that which is expected."
To the New York Times: "I don't care what the polls say. I don't. I'm doing what I think what's wrong."
--George W. Bush, 43rd President of the United States of America

"Only because our elections have become so dependent on television and its emphatic emptiness could a man of such sublime and complacent ignorance assume the highest office in the land."
--Mark Crispin Miller, The Bush Dyslexicon

Mark Crispin Miller is professor of media studies at NYU. I had the pleasure of listening to him speak on NPR this evening, on the subject of the media and its lack of coverage of the goings on in the Bush II Administration. Following are some links to interviews with Mr. Miller, all of them imparting different information, for the most part. Some are more amusing than others, and they are on varying topics, so for the most part there's not much repetition.

PBS Frontline - on media and the culture of television

Stay Free! - on conspiracies, media, and mad scientists

Democratic Underground - a Q&A with members of the DU message board - on Bushspeak and The Bush Dyslexicon - on horizontal integration in the media

The Center for Book Culture - "Brain Drain, " an essay for Context (with links to other Miller essays at the bottom)

Lip Magazine - on how Bush captured the Presidency

If you'd like to read more, a google of Mark Crispin Miller turns up 24,900 hits. Knock yourself out. And btw? I think the Shrub makes Dan Quayle look like a frickin' genius. But maybe that's just me.

copyright 2003 - all rights reserved

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Q: When you're talking about politics, what do you and [your father] talk about? A: Pussy.

GWBush, to David Fink of the Hartford Courant, @ the '88 Republican Convention

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