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2003-02-18 - 3:22 p.m.

It's easy to trivialize or marginize these days. Especially with an Administration screaming down every dissenting voice. In case you're tempted to read this blog and trivialize the writer as some flaked-out, tree-hugging, pacifistic member of the Green Party - or figure living out in LA, I couldn't possibly be in touch with reality, here are a few bits of knowledge for you.

I grew up in Texas. In the sticks. Surrounded by Southern Baptists, Methodists, and the Church of Christ. With a few Pentacostal types throw in for wacky good measure. I attended every one of those churches except the Church of the Pentacost, and for long enough to get to know each one of them quite well. I was raised Lutheran, which I am happy to say is a helluva lot more tolerant and loving than any of the "Big 3" above. They all encompass the righteous indignation and hellfire and damnation of the Catholic church, but without any of the guilt. I did not take away much of a happy impression of any of them, so I am not pleased to see a Southern Baptist making religion the basis for every decision he makes that affects me.

Because I grew up in Texas, in the country, and doing hard manual labor on a dairy farm my entire childhood and adolescence, I learned a lot of common sense. I learned to think for myself and to make difficult decisions. I learned to live with the consequences of both my decisions and my actions. I also learned that everything has a consequence, good or bad, and that sometimes the consequences have consequences. And so on.

I believe in the Separation of Church and State. Religion has no place in politics or the law, and to allow it to creep in violates the First Amendment of the Constitution: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

But then, the First Amendment is taking a lot of hits right now.

I believe evading the police and leading them on a chase - especially high speed - should be a felony crime.

I favor the death penalty and building more prisons. I am tough on crime. The Bible says for us to be forgiving and not to kill. It also says let the punishment fit the crime. If you murder someone, you forfeit your right to expect to continue breathing, and you do so willingly.

I am pro-gun and believe that times like these are *exactly* why the Second Amendment exists.

I do not think Israel is making responsible decisions with respect to Palestine and the Palestinians, and I do not think the US should continue to support it. This does NOT make me an anti-Semite. It means I object to state-sponsored terrorism.

I tend to vote Democrat, but I have also voted Republican on more than a few occassions.

I hated Bill Clinton rabidly. He made a mockery of the office and lied under oath. I can not abide a President who thinks he is above the law. I can not abide ANYONE who thinks he is above the law. For the law to work, we all have to be subject to it. All of it. Not just the laws we find convenient. Clinton should have been removed from office.

I hate George W. Bush more. The man is a fucking idiot, a bigot, and a liar, and has no place holding the office. He did not win the election and was not voted in by the required majority of the people. He is not honest and has no integrity. He exists solely to serve his own personal interests and those of the people clustered tightly around him. He will sell the people of this country out and still sleep well at night. He has already done so.

I don't drive an SUV, but that is only because I can not afford one. I believe you have the right to drive whatever the hell you want. That being said, I think it is irresponsible and reprehensible to give a fucking teenager the keys to your big honkin' SUV and let 'em have at. Those of us who drive tiny little cars hate you for it. Those who knew people who used to drive tiny little cars until a teenager in an SUV ran a light and killed them hate you more.

Seemingly contradictory to the above, I am majorly pro-environment. Not to the point I think people should have to sacrifice their home of 50 years for a freaking *shrimp*, but on most matters, I tend to side with the trees and wildlife. They are natural resources and should be protected. I think it's insanely stupid to slash and burn the rainforests when they provide 70% of the world's freaking oxygen. Seriously, how much of a fucking idiot do you have to be? I think it equally reprehensible to allow loggers into the national fucking forests and oil drillers into the Alaskan Wildlife Refuge. And if a president thinks those things are a good idea, than since those places belong to the fucking citizens of this country, we should at least have a national referendum and the chance to express OUR views by voting, g*damn it. I also believe it is long past time America weaned itself off of its ravenous need for fossil fuels and start depending on clean and alternative sources of energy. Tax-cut THAT, George, you asshole.

I think it's beyond ridiculous and lame that we make historic landmarks of buildings less than 100 years old, but it's perfectly acceptable to cut down a 1200 year old ancient redwood. What the HELL is that about?

I think a fair number of the people on this planet are idiots who don't bother to use their brains.

I think another fair amount can't be bothered to pay attention.

I think a good number of the people on this planet view the world thru microgoggles and don't give a damn about anything which does not directly affect THEM.

I think the rest of the people on the planet give a damn and try to leave the world a better place - or at least not leave it any more fucked up than it was when they got here.

I recycle and get annoyed Los Angeles doesn't recycle as much stuff as San Diego does.

I think recycling ought to be mandatory.

I believe laws are necessary, but that there is such a thing as too much government. However, if you expect the general populace to behave in a compassionate manner and take care of those less fortunate than the rest, you are going to be sorely disappointed. Likewise, you can not trust compassion to make sure everyone gets a fair deal/shake. That is why we have anti-trust laws. Wake the hell up and smell the coffee, Libertarians.

I am either a conservative Democrat or a liberal Republican. I prefer the term thinking moderate.

The post-partum depression, temporary insanity, and air rage pleas are not reasonable defenses. If you're going to treat them as such, then political terrorism should be defensible as well.

I do not favor the invasion and occupation of Iraq. I do believe war is sometimes a necessary evil. This is not one of those times. War is the single biggest waste of human life, time, energy, and money, and should be engaged in ONLY as a last resort, and only after diplomacy fails. Show me the diplomacy in THIS situation. Seriously.

I do not believe the regime's claim that Saddam Hussein is in league with Al-Quaeda. We have seen absolutely no proof. We *have* seen, however, that most of the terrorists came from Saudi Arabia, and that Osama bin Ladin is, himself, from there. He is in fact, connected to the Saudi royal family. I am not advocating we attack or blame Saudi Arabia for September 11, but I *am* saying it's ridiculous to use September 11 to justify seizing control of Iraq. I can not believe the number of people blindly buying into it. It freaks me out they are so easily led.

I believe the personal freedoms we as Americans enjoy were won at the expense of great human sacrifice, and we have absolutely no business peacefully allowing them to be taken from us. In fact, we are GIVING them away. I have no doubt the Founding Fathers and every single person who died fighting the American Revolution (on BOTH sides) are shaking their heads wherever they may be and screaming "what the fuck are you people doing?" I'm pretty sure they're also employing the word "assholes" in there somewhere.

I am pro-choice. Which does not make me pro-death OR pro-abortion, you anti-choice fascist assholes. Blow me. I guess a person is entitled to life until the second they are born and make a mistake, at which point they cease to be worthy of protection and are fair fucking game; gotcha.

I realize some judgment is inherent in the human condition, but intolerance isn't. Judge not, lest ye be judged. That being said, you gotta have a set of laws, and you gotta function by and within them. When you break them, you must be punished.

I am profoundly patriotic and American. That does not mean I have to blindly accept everything my government tells me or that I will allow it to stomp over the concepts and ideals this country was founded upon. My government is accountable to ME. We, the People.

I know the Preamble to the Constitution by heart. Thank you, Schoolhouse Rock.

I am fiercely protective of the Right to Privacy, for every person on this planet, regular joe or celebrity/sports figure. Even politicians have that right, though the public does have a legitimate need to know, in that case.

John Poindexter is a convicted felon.

John Ashcroft is an uptight, controlling jerk. YOU are the boob, John.

Colin Powell is deeply disappointing and ineffectual.

John Snow's appointment is a joke and a big ol' figurative blow job.

George W. Bush is the worst president in the history of this country and should be impeached and removed from office.

Dick Cheney scares me more than Bush does - he can actually think for himself, and that bastard is crafty.

That's about it, for now. Gotta go. I'll post more, when I think of it. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, mail me. Even if you don't agree with me.

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