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2003-02-23 - 3:47 a.m.

Ya gotta love the Democrats, filibusting the Estrada nomination as they are. You certainly can't say they aren't committed to stopping this nomination, and if you're the minority party, you gotta use whatever means available. I admire and applaud their commitment. I pray it pays off. If you'd like your Senator to know you support the filibuster, please go to now, and drop him/her a line encouraging continued support for the filibuster. If you'd like to drop Senate Minority Leader Tom Daschle a line as well, you can go to this page and click the second link under Sen. Daschle's picture...the one that says send message.

I love how the Shrub says to the press today that the Democrats really need to knock off this filibuster, due to the dire need to fill the position Estrada's been nominated for, because it's an "emergency vacancy." The Shrub also claimed it's only a handful of Democrats executing the filibuster and standing in the way...yeah, if you call 41 Democratic Senators a handful. In fact, only a handful - three, in fact - would vote to approve the nomination. In case you're wondering, they are John Breaux of Louisiana, Ben Nelson of Nebraska, and Zell Miller of Georgia. And yes, it *is* an emergency vacancy - a seat in the federal courts which has been standing open for 18 months or more.

What the Shrub failed to acknowledge is that the reason the seat has been standing open so long is because he, George Dubya Bush, failed to nominate anyone for the position...until the Republicans gained control of the Senate, and he figured every one of his uber-religious, hyper-conservative nominees would get pushed thru with rubber-stamped approval. He also failed to acknowledge there is a very thin paper trail for this nominee, and that Estrada refuses to answer any Democrat's questions as to how he might rule, where he stands on Constitutional issues, and how he leans in general. He won't even answer the simple question of which Supreme Court judge he most admires. I call that pretty frigging arrogant. I call it pretty frigging arrogant AND rude that his answer to all questions is that the information is in his record.

Hey, dickhead: if they had your actual record, they wouldn't need to ask. I really hate to quote Hillary Clinton, a woman I hate only marginally less than I hate Bill Clinton or the Shrub, but she has a point: "When you stonewall the Judiciary Committee ... when you act as if you just came out of nowhere and don�t have an opinion on anything, everybody knows that�s a charade." You don't get nominated for a seat on the Federal Appeals Court - even if it is by an idiot who thinks he's in charge - without having an opinion on something. Yet, Estrada and his supporters would have everyone else believe he has no strong opinions about *anything*. Frankly, if you have no strong opinions, you are either a congenital moron or you scare the living hell out of me and anyone else with half a brain he or she bothers to use.

To further disrecommend him (for lack of a better term at the moment), the parts of Mr. Estrada's record which *are* readily available show that he - who has no experience as a judge - consistently argued cases against the Constitution. He seems to have some trouble following the tenets set forth in that noble document, as well as adhering to decisions handed down by the Supreme Court, which handily outweighs him both as lawyer and as the Circuit Court Judge he would be, should he win nomination. His own supervisor at DoJ (Dept. of Justice) has said Estrada �lacks the judgment [and is] too much of an ideologue to be an appeals court judge.� In fact, the best thing I have heard anyone - even Republican Senators - say to recommend him is that he got very high grades in law school. Cause, boy, high grades are an excellent mark of good ethics and whether or not you plan to uphold Constitutional law...But primarily what he has to recommend him - from the Shrub's prospective, anyway, is that he's the lawyer who argued for and won Bush the Presidency.

I guess if you're the lawyer who wins the Presidency for an inept dumbass who can't even form a grammatically correct complex sentence on his own and who did NOT win the popular election, you can pretty much tell any Democrat in the land to go fuck him or herself. But it doesn't fly with me, and I hope the Democrats kick some serious ass, starting with yours, Miguel, you prick.

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